
2900 Westfork Drive, Suite 401 Baton Rouge LA, 70827 United States

Business Hours

8:00 A.M - 05:00 P.M

Business Hours

2900 Westfork Drive, Suite 401 Baton Rouge LA, 70827 United States

Business Hours

8:00 A.M - 05:00 P.M

Take a Look at Testimonials and Reviews
from Our Clients

“Ambient Environs Team has been working with our petrochemical firm in Baton Rouge for the past six years. We’ve worked with them to improve and upgrade our safety and health regulatory compliance and train our managers, technicians, and general management staff.

Their experts stay up to date on the latest requirements set by OSHA and other regulatory bodies, offering us consultation services to go over our policies and measures annually.”
Dr. Henry K.
My company has a small manufacturing plant outside of Baton Rouge, and while we work on a small scale, we have big problems.

Our health and safety practices were off-key, and we struggled to retain workers at our factory. However, after months of undergoing extensive safety training and implementing recommendations from the Ambient Environs Team, we’re doing much better, and we couldn’t be more grateful.
Carla S.
Running a construction company means that we’re consistently onboarding, training, and managing manual laborers and construction crews. They’re working with heavy equipment and tools, handling difficult tasks, and being involved in risky jobs consistently, which makes safety regulations the difference between life and death.

Ambient Environs Team has been our go-to for safety regulation and compliance and improving worker safety on-site. We’re very satisfied with their consulting and general services.
Gerald F.
Working as a forestry professional for the past 20 years, I’ve come across many difficult situations in my line of work. From debilitating accidents and injuries to loss of equipment and severe environmental degradation due to recklessness, the list goes on.

However, ever since my firm began working with Ambient Environs Team in 2015, we’ve seen a drastic improvement in our overall work environment. Not only are we more conscious of the processes we engage in, but we also have a better idea of how to protect ourselves on the job.
Brian D.