
2900 Westfork Drive, Suite 401 Baton Rouge LA, 70827 United States

Business Hours

8:00 A.M - 05:00 P.M

Business Hours

2900 Westfork Drive, Suite 401 Baton Rouge LA, 70827 United States

Business Hours

8:00 A.M - 05:00 P.M

About Us

For Business Inquiries,

Reach Out to Us at: 800.374.0574

About Ambient Environs Team, LLC

Founded officially in 2013, we began by connecting clients with safety attendants and general laborers. Since 2013, however, our services have grown to include consultations with environmental, health & safety managers and specialists, safety auditors, specialists, and technicians. We also offer direct air samplers and water sampling and testing services.

We built a reputation as a safety leader in the oil and gas, chemical, and refinery industry and have a talented team of experts with experience in health, safety, and environmental issues.

Our consultants are committed to helping clients consistently, scoping new regulations and operator-driven requirements that dictate and affect your business. We are some of the most well-reputed, reliable consultants in the region, offering professional environmental consulting services

In addition to our technical expertise, Ambient Environs is well-versed in all complexities involved in safeguarding people and property. We pay close attention to all regulatory compliance obligations and offer clients sustainable, cost-effective solutions to handle those compliances.

Ambient Environs works with clients from industrial, manufacturing, oil, and gas backgrounds, helping businesses upgrade their terms of safety and operating performance. Our goal is to help you inculcate a safe working environment in all areas of your business. Our company prides itself on offering quality services, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness to all our clients.


The company was founded to provide technical expertise and a range of environmental, health, and safety consulting services to clients in the oil and gas industry.


The company expanded to include environmental, health & safety managers and specialists, safety auditors, specialists, and technicians. We also offer direct air samplers and water sampling and testing services.


We now offer all of the consulting services, regulatory support, and health, safety, and environmental recommendations mentioned above.