
2900 Westfork Drive, Suite 401 Baton Rouge LA, 70827 United States

Business Hours

8:00 A.M - 05:00 P.M

Business Hours

2900 Westfork Drive, Suite 401 Baton Rouge LA, 70827 United States

Business Hours

8:00 A.M - 05:00 P.M

We Provide Regulatory Compliance Services Across Various Industries

Find consultants and regulatory experts through us.

Chemical Processing

Chemical processing is one of the most challenging industries to manage operational safety in. We train clients and their staff members on effectively handling highly corrosive, toxic, and noxious chemicals while protecting themselves and their tools and equipment.


Keeping construction sites safe is no easy feat and requires extensive preparation, risk evaluation, and active effort to accomplish.

We ensure that our clients’ projects are up to par with all safety regulations, enabling them to work effectively and efficiently and keep team members safe.

Power Generation

Power generation firms and companies are vulnerable to system failure and safety threats such as electrocution and short-circuiting, among other problems. We can help mitigate these issues by taking active, pre-emptive measures to protect your company and staff.


Work with our team to reduce occupational injuries and safety hazards in the forestry industry. Proper regulatory compliance ensures that all processes are environmentally sound and that natural resources are safely, efficiently, and ethically used and managed.

General Industries

OSHA refers to General Industries as anything outside certain categories, including maritime, agriculture, and construction. We help businesses within them adhere to the standards and regulatory guidelines set for them.

Life Science

Life sciences hold a unique sense of risk due to the involvement of biohazards, bio-waste, living organisms, and all kinds of testing.

We train staff and researchers to protect themselves more effectively and safely while using lab equipment, handling organic matter and organisms, and more.


Following standards set by OSHA and the DOE, we help businesses in the nuclear industry protect workers and equipment.

Through our recommendations, you can minimize safety hazards and risks by implementing worker health programs and other necessary measures.

Oil & Gas

From ergonomics-related issues to minimizing onsite accidents, injuries, and death, there are several services we offer clients in the Oil & Gas industry.

Our experts specialize in making safety and environmental recommendations and improving regulatory compliance for O&G clients.


Petrochemicals also require extensive safety measures and procedures to handle materials, including the use of PPE, handling machinery and heavy equipment, and using volatile chemicals such as acetylene, benzene, methane, ethane, and propane, among others.

It’s undeniably one of the most challenging industries to serve, but we have extensive training and experience in this area.